Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Baby "A's" Session

Baby "A's" mommy and I have been friends for 25 years.  Wow!  Can't believe it has been that long!  She has been such a HUGE part of my life.  We went to junior high and high school together, took the same classes together, were "boy-crazy" together, graduated together, got into some, okay, alot of trouble together :).  We went to church together, prayed for each other, laughed until we were sick so many times, and cried on each other's shoulder uncountable times as well.  She was a bridesmaid at my wedding and I sang at hers.  We have supported each other during all of our pregnancies - 10 between the two of us.  She has 5 beautiful children here on earth and 2 precious little ones who live with Jesus.  Jennifer is treasured friend for whom I will always be grateful.

I had the privilege of being able to take pictures of her youngest little girl.  What a happy baby she is!  This little angel was a preemie and has thrived and grown so much this year.  She looks so much like her mommy and her siblings.  I enjoy taking pictures of babies so much and this session was certainly no exception!!

Thanks, Jennifer, for sharing your little sweetie with me!!  Love you so much!!  

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Critter's Pictures

Oh, my.  This little girl was so much fun to hangout with!  Her parents live outside the city on a GORGEOUS farm tucked neatly away from the street.  THE most beautiful place to shoot a country girl through and through! Beautiful hills, cute little barns, and a vineyard of the sweetest Muscadine grapes I've ever tasted made for an absolutely wonderful backdrop for us! I love horses, so what an added bonus to be able to go out and do a shoot of three gorgeous mares and their most adorable rider!  It is such a beautiful and fun place to shoot and I can't wait to go back!! 

By the way, if you are wondering about the name "Critter,"  it's a nickname.  "Critter" lives, eats, and breathes for all things animal, so a friend appropriately gave her that name years ago.   Thanks so much to her sweet parents, who are friends of ours, for letting me raid your farm and take some pictures of your little cowgirl and her ponies.  Y - I had a blast riding Daisy!!  I can't wait to do it again!!