Monday, December 27, 2010

Little "C" Turns Two!!

Look at this precious, blue-eyed little man!!!! Isn't he adorable with a capital A?  Remember this fun little party ?  Well, this is "Pinkalicious's" cute little brother.  Jennifer and her hubs have some beautiful kids!  "C's" absolutely adorable mommy threw a zoo extravaganza for his 2nd birthday and asked me to tag along to capture the action.  We had a blast and thoroughly enjoyed everything from the cute monkey cupcakes to the walk around the farm section of our amazing zoo.  She does nothing half way and loves to make her kids parties extra special.  What a great mommy!!  Here are a few highlights from the day:


Monday, December 13, 2010

The Geswein Boys

So, I've had a long talk to these two handsome guy's mother and have told her these boys belong in front of a camera!  Gorgeous aren't they!  And, they can give the lens some 'tude!  I loved it!!  We had a beautiful evening to shoot and an amazing sunset decided to join us as well.  So much fun and easy as you please!  Thanks to the Gesweins for sharing your boys with me.  You have a such a precious family!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Energy x 1000 = The Austin Crew

Wow!  These guys were a blast to shoot!  We had so much fun and laughed pretty much the entire time.  I love shoots that you end up playing more than working - turns into amazing smiles and beautiful faces.  Can you tell these kiddos love their mama?  Thanks, so much Sarah and kids for a great afternoon with you guys!  I hope you enjoy your pictures as much as I enjoyed taking them!!