Saturday, October 16, 2010

Rebecca's Session

Rebecca is an oh, so precious friend of mine.  I've known her for years and have watched her blossom into a beautiful, young woman.  Last year she married a gentleman who is currently serving in Afghanistan in the army.  They have been married for over a year, but have only seen each other just a couple of months worth of time since their wedding as he was deployed just a few weeks after their nuptials.   We decided to send some pictures of Rebecca to her husband for his birthday, and I was thrilled to be able to help!  Rebecca brought her new (and completely squishable!) little chihuahua, Fiona, to join in the fun.

Our shoot started out beautifully, but soon was interrupted by a torrential downpour of rain.  The term typhoon comes to mind.   Rebecca loves the rain and even though she was soaked to the bone, we decided to continue our shoot armed with a couple of umbrella's and bare feet.  Rebecca is a trooper!  Fortunately, I happened to have a cute, little polka-dotted umbrella that I keep in the car. It worked perfectly in contrast with the grayish skies and perked the photographs right up!  We had a great time just playing around, and I loved being able to capture the rain in the images.  Thanks, Rebecca for the great day, and a BIG thanks to Tom and all other troops who sacrificially gave up time with their families to serve our country.

         Just an FYI, Rebecca's husband, Tom will be returning home next month from his deployment.  :)

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